It has been so long since my last entry I almost forgot how to log in.
There have been a number of reasons for leaving it so long, in fact too many to remember,
but I do recall one of the reasons was that I started to question the wisdom of a gallery owner blogging. After all blogs are for artists not galleries, galleries have web-sites.
I have always disliked the blogs that blatantly shout "look at me, I'm a star I am" so I had resolved that I would try not to go down that road, in fact I wanted to do what blogging was intended for.
Keeping a journal and record of events, and that I have enjoyed.
But as a gallery owner I have realized that talking about events and people can be a silly thing.
We live in an Internet age, and we all know that it is cheaper going direct. Don't we?
So I suppose that I shouldn't have been surprised when some artists started asking for certain
pieces back as they "have managed to find a private buyer".
Odd that it was always pieces that I had shown and talked about.
Even stranger, a gallery owner started approaching the artist's that we stock telling them that she was a friend of mine and that I had recommended that she should approach them.
She was believed because she was able to talk about me and the gallery.
Of course,
I have never heard of her or her gallery, so how stupid am I?
Mum always told me I talk too much.
Of course as with everything in life there are always exceptions, exceptions and nice people.
One example being when one of my favourite artists was approached for a private sale of a piece of work that we held.
She told the would be buyer that the picture was only available
from Imagine Gallery.
" I know what she was up to, she was hoping to cut out 'the middle man', but it just so happens that I like my middle man". The artist told me.
How nice and generous was that?
Everything works both ways and that sort of loyalty is repaid in kind.
People like that artist are 'championed in the gallery, if there are any disrespectful comments about their work then the public are directed towards the door, usually in a not too polite manner. Sometimes it's nice to be rude, and I just feel "how dare they" be disrespectful about the work of these incredible people.
I suppose I have let these thoughts play on my mind too much, after all the great majority of people are full of nothing but praise about the work we show.
As an example, recently a lady came to the desk to thank me for showing such beautiful things,
" if it wasn't for you we wouldn't know these things existed".
Those few words sum up everything that I want to do:
To show beautiful art that is rarely seen, from around the world, so that people can enjoy and marvel at it as I do.
Hey! If they buy one now and again that's not bad either.
So just how have I let a few negative things change my perception of things. " I dunno", but recently I have given a lot of thought about what 'enlightened' people consider art.
One things for sure they won't find it in my gallery as I intend to carry on showing work
that moves the heart [well at least my heart] regardless of how regarded or not the artist is.
If you own or work for another gallery "please look away now" or at least follow your heart
not mine, likewise if you want to puchase art 'on the cheap'.
"Well that's made me feel better", even if it only makes sense to a few individuals.
So where was I?
ALICE? Bin there done [doing] that.
Things are moving on at a pace, part of my mind is occupied with our next exhibition
Jim Malone 2010 Exhibition.
Where we will be showing the ceramics of one of the worlds greatest and most famous potters.
This exhibition has now gathered a momentum of its own, my article [6 pages ] about it has been published and is out there "on the street".
In regards of promoting this exhibition I can do no more, so I can rest in the knowledge that
however it works out I did everything that "I" could.
Mind you, I still have the invitation to produce, six pages with an insert.
What has been occupying my thoughts more is the exhibition that follows that, even though it's
not until July different things have to be set in motion now.
So my work [good thing I haven't got a real job] this week has been to produce a page advertisement for the magazine 'Ceramic Review'.
This has to be good, but a lot of it is out of my hands as I am dependant upon the pictures that I am sent by the artists.
The exhibition is titled 'SCULPTOR' and we will be showing ceramic sculptures by some of the worlds leading artists.
I would hate to favour one over another but really it is to be a showcase of two great talents.
All the artists involved have been sending me images and I have felt a little like
'The Three Bears'.
Too small, too large, and nothing just right.
So after producing 16 different versions of the advertisement I will show you the one I think
[only think] I will use.
I will have to sleep on it plus put it to the family committee before I am certain but in all its glory here it is.
Below it are images that I nearly [still might] use.
Feedback would be appreciated, I will of course ignore it but, it would be appreciated.