Monday, 5 March 2018

Work In Progress

The first exhibition we will be holding in 2018 is titled


It is to be a collaboration between
Adam Oehlers and Nom Kinnear King 
Two artist who work in very different styles, in fact their work is so different
That it may seem a strange pairing
Nom has exhibited with us before and although in the past we have had a few pieces by Adam
We have never had the opportunity to present his broad spectrum of work
I have been determined to exhibit both of them at some point this year
The fact that they are both very popular and had many other obligations made it hard to
arrive at mutually convenient dates
But the fact that they are partners in life made things a lot easier
Together they could provide an exciting and very different show
So it was decided, it was to be a joint exhibition.

Because this was to be a more unusual event I felt the need to make people aware of it
sooner rather than later.
To this end I asked could they both send me photographs of their paintings as they evolved.

A couple of days later Adam contacted me saying that for this exhibition
He wanted to try out some idea's he had been thinking of for some time
The idea was to paint his illustrations in separate layers then combine them with gaps
Between the different layers.
This then presented the problem of how they could be presented in a way to enhance them
After sleeping on this, the next day following Adams exact measurements
I started to make frames for the proposed artworks
Which were dispatched to Adam

Then the wait began, wondering just what would he create?
Having no idea what to expect I was thrilled when I received the photographs
of the first piece.
Nothing had prepared me for the difference that depth and shadows could make to his
beautiful art.
Adam uses his painted illustrations to tell wonderful stories
Now those stories were brought even more to life as his artwork became three dimensional
It made me feel as if I was in the story as they seemed to hold hidden secrets
I am sure his young daughters love them
Maybe almost as much as me

So they continued
I don't think there is any need for explanation,
Other than to say that this is all very much work in progress
As yet nothing is finished to Adam's contentment, also frames are still being made

It was when I looked at the photograph below for the first time
I became totally immersed in the world of childhood.
Seeing the spaces between the clouds It reminded me of stage sets and
I was transported back to visits at the theatre
Watching  Pantomime's, both as a child and a parent
There was much of the theatre about them, almost a toy theatre.
With this image in my mind I started to think how magical it would look if the clouds were
illuminated from within.
With these thoughts on mind I committed an unforgivable sin and made a call to the artist
With my idea's.

A note:
You have to understand it is awful having an active imagination but lack the skills to realise
those artistic ambitions.
So with words I tried to paint my idea in Adam's mind.
Fortunately he is a very nice man with an even greater imagination.
"Well maybe I could try something on the next one".
So in great anticipation I wait.

Meanwhile, work had already commenced upon the next artwork.
Here is the early concept sketch

Followed by the first stages of its creation
Which Adam was keen for me to see as I could not understand how he would create
the water.
Seeing what he was achieving it was easy to understand how he had spent over a week
getting to this stage without a sky.
Which I knew would follow as it is shown in the sketch.

Notice the feet underwater on the riverbed 

Days later a new image arrived including the sky, it was really starting to look finished

Adam does intend to have a go at illuminating the sky before completion.
Unfortunately I can't show that at the moment as work is on hold
because both the frame and the lighting strip have become
"lost in transit".

For the benefit of those not living in the UK I must explain the we had snow for a couple of days
As I am sure everyone is aware when that happens in this country every thing shuts down.
People hoard food as transport grinds to a halt and all deliveries to shops end
While we all sit by the fire and wait for the "big thaw".
It's our little adventure, and for a while and at least it stops the press talking about Brexit.
So our frame is stuck somewhere out there in the wilderness.

........................Stop Press.......................
 Adam has just called as I write this telling me it has arrived.

I conjure up thoughts of a dog sleigh team fighting through snow covered wastelands
Just to reach his doorstep in suburbia.
Perhaps it was airlifted in along with essential supplies.
Or maybe, just maybe the postman decided to work today, after all the snow melted days ago.
So the next post I hope will start with an image of the nearly completed piece
complete with lighting.

All of this excitement for me and I have still to show you what creations are in progress by
Nom Kinner King


  1. My head exploded and I cannot imagine. I need to see the process and finished product in person.

  2. Donna just book a flight and come and see them.
    I must admit that I am intrigued to see how they are all spaced and set in the frame. Even more so when he told me that he has woven the 3 foot length of lighting between the cloud layers.
