Sunday, 18 February 2018

How is it made?

"It's a limited edition it's not unique, once it is made they can keep on casting them".
Is something I  often hear people say when they are looking at a bronze sculpture
The inference is that another can be "knocked" out on a whimsy, this often leads them to ask
"can you tell us how it is actually made"?
With my own very limited knowledge I then try to explain what has been described to me.
But I confess that even though I have visited foundries and spoken with many sculptors
my own understanding of the process is basic at the very least.

So when a few months ago the sculptor Scott Shaw told me that he would cast a sculpture
the gallery I asked if it was possible for him to send me photographs of the work in progress.
I had no idea of what to expect I just wanted to feel involvement with the sculpture
Before it eventually arrived here.

Over a period of many weeks Scott sent me regular updates, images and descriptions of what 
he was doing and how it was done.
I was staggered.
I really had had no idea of the scale of his task.
From the hundreds of photographs I received I have compiled a series which I hope
will give an idea of the work, skill and dedication involved to make this wonderful piece of art


From the plaster mold taken from the original sculpture wax castings were made
Later these would then be used to create a ceramic "shell" into which the bronze would
be poured

The complex nature of the sculpture meant many pieces were molded, some in sections
 which were then joined and modeled again

  Constant thought of how and where the bronze would flow and how the shells would hold together
meant that channels were created to join various sections to guide the bronze
to the right places

A cup is created which when melted will act as a funnel

The waxes receive their first coating of shell
Zircon mined from volcanoes is used to make a slurry for the coating
Before then being dusted with molochite

Eight coats in total, one a day 

The completed shells need then to be "burnt out" to remove
the wax.
[unfortunately that image is out of sequence and is 5 below] 
This leaves hollow shells which are then kiln fired to harden them further

The hardened shells being buried upside down with the funnels at the top which are covered to protect the inside from contamination

This is the "mistake" out of sequence image of the wax being burnt from the shell molds

Molten bronze being poured into the empty shells

After eventually cooling the fun starts as the shells are smashed apart 
to reveal the hardened bronze

Once removed they are cleaned and then sand blasted 

 Before the long delicate process of welding the many pieces together, the joins ground down,
detail restored before sanding down

Seven stages of sanding by hand
Each with a finer grade to give the fine smooth tactile surface that we associate with bronze

Joined, polished but still far from complete

Unfortunately bronze is still associated with a brown coloring
But that really is now a thing of the past, the finish or patination is limited only by the imagination and the experience of the artist.
Creating the patina is a skill in its own right
Many foundries employ someone just for this, and many sculptors may choose a foundry
just because of that persons ability.

Fortunately Scott Shaw has the ability to create, cast and patinate.
Here are his photographs of the nearly completed piece as he works his magic
Finishing the sculpture as his mind conceived it

Almost, just a marble base to cut

Here it is again.
Just a quick sculpture he knocked out.

I think that now I am perhaps more confused now than before about the whole making process.
But I do know that I will never look at a bronze sculpture in the same way ever again
Especially this one

I will have to return to this with more detailed images and Scott's own story about his creation.

As I have been writing I have had to pause many times to admire and touch the sculpture.
It really is a work of art.


  1. I had no idea all that was involved. Love the piece.

    1. I had no idea either Donna.
      Scott sent me hundreds of emails and even more images.
      By the time I had worked through everything I was both in awe and confused as there was so much to take in. Unfortunately I think my watered down attempt to explain the process was even more confusing.

  2. good process shots, this is why bronze (and glass) casting is such an expensive process when done well!

    1. One of my reasons for trying to show and explain the process was an attempt to explain to people that "this"is what you are paying for, a great investment of the artists time.
