Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Head in the Clouds

I confess that I am a dreamer.
Often my mind and thoughts are anywhere than where they should be
Which can be fun and often leads me down good roads but........
It doesn't get things done.

So while I have been scheming and planning and telling you of events that I might have one day in the future
Perhaps I have not talked about or made mention of
Events that really will be happening very soon in the not so distant future.
So to start with.

It is often the case that artists who we are going to exhibit are so concentrating on their art
They forget that we may have a deadline for promoting their event
I have long ceased to worry about that.

Perhaps that is why I talk of other things, because I am waiting and don't want to hinder them

It is the nature of artists to get lost and absorbed with their work, they don't need to be absorbed
With crap like advertising and promoting events.
Indeed why should they?
But it is a two way street and as a gallery it is hard to promote, when there is nothing to show.

So, to have an individual artist understand that we need their assistance well in advance of an event
Is a very rare thing and greatly appreciated.
Which is why I talking about the ceramic sculptor
Blandine Anderson

I have been aware of Blandine's sculptures for many many years
They are beautiful, thought provoking and so very well crafted.
Unfortunately, because she is a "home grown" sculptor many other galleries are aware of her
To say that she is in great demand would be an understatement.
I had all but given up the hope of ever exhibiting her work.

But, never say never [well James Bond did]
At last
Later this year we will be holding a full solo exhibition of her ceramics.

When she agreed I was thrilled but totally unprepared with how professional she is.
Here was an artist who truly understood that it only worked if you work together
Sooner rather than later.

Once the date had been decided upon, she immediately sent me images to be used for
'in house' promotion.

Since then we have talked about a theme and a title for the exhibition.
Both being things that are of great importance to me
How an exhibition is perceived beforehand in the public mind makes so much difference.

I might know what to expect but how do our clients?
A title makes a great difference, together with images it paints a picture of what to anticipate.

I am a bully and most times try to bend artists thoughts towards my own ideas and imagination
Many times this helps
Simply because I am aware of what "our audience" will respond to.

This time there was no need to even think about such a thing
From a few emails Blandine's mind had locked into where we are situated
What I like, what she likes
And what we both think others will like.

I am really looking forward to this exhibition.
Meanwhile here a few pictures that she has sent of her recent work.
Of course
Her exhibition here will be totally different  again, an exhibition tailored to our corner of England.
I will tell and show more as it progresses
Meanwhile, it is a lovely to feel that I am working with the artist on a joint project

Perhaps she would like my help to create them, I have lots of idea's and......................
Perhaps not.


  1. Hi Mo

    I must admit I have always liked her sculptures from the pictures that I have seen, then last year I saw some "in the flesh". It was only when I looked at the real ceramics that I understood how good they are.
    The pictures are just a shadow of the real thing.
    Did you notice with the Seal and the Whale that they have maps beneath [and on them as decoration] showing where they are from?

    For our own exhibition 'Life on the Edge' she will be making sculptures of the wildlife that is disappearing from our small area. The "edge" refers to the fact that we are at the edge of the fast vanishing [under the sea]
    corner of England.

    Take Care

