Tuesday, 2 September 2014

After showing too many events after they have happened I thought that at last I might
"show up on time"
and preview a little of what is going to happen rather than what has happened.
I must be honest and confess that "late" is my nature and I am usually behind with everything.

This is not entirely true, almost but not entirely.
There are times that I know that I should be talking about events and exhibitions that we are going to hold in the future, but something holds me back

The blogs that I enjoy reading the most are written by lovely 'genuine' people,
people who are often "baring their soul" and are telling us about their life, good and bad.
Sometimes, perhaps they tell us things that they later regret.
I applaud them for their honesty and I really enjoy what they write,
it helps me to feel that my problems are shared and are similar to those of many others.

The blogs that I don't enjoy are those of the "advertorial" kind.
I will say no more.

But, considering that I own a gallery sometimes the things that I write are not all about "me",
They are about other people, their efforts and their art, their lives and achievments
 And perhaps this is what my job is about
So I feel that maybe I should be very proud giving a very loud
"shout out"
About future events and the artists involved with them.

We have a very major and much anticipated event coming up in the near future.
That will be the joint exhibition of

Anne Bachelier
Rachel Ann Stevenson

Two artists whose work I really adore and who I feel really compliment each other
A sculptor and a painter
Both producing some of the most stunning art I have ever seen
What they create really touches my spirit, and from what I understand from the people who visit our gallery their works move the emotions of many others,
So their forthcoming exhibition is creating a lot of excitement and anticipation with us and visitors.

So don't let me down girls.

But, immediately prior to their exhibition we are showing at a very prestigious event where we will "showcase" their art,
plus also the art of many of our favourite artists who also exhibit with the gallery.
This event is the
'Cambridge City Art Fair'
No prize for guessing where this event will be held.

I have wanted to bring our gallery to the attention of a different audience for a long time
and this seemed like the right time and venue to do just that.
Cambridge is very to us close, plus I doubt that I will be fortunate enough to have these two unusual artists together again at the same time,
so it was decided
"let's show the gallery at the show".

So, look out Cambridge we are on our way.

What better way to start our promotion than to advertise our coming exhibition?

Above are two of the advertisements that will start appearing in magazines very soon
Of course I had the urge to show you a little bit more.
I had told myself that I shouldn't as I have many pictures to show before the exhibition and I didn't want to spoil it for when I do actually get around to showing them all.
That's when I remembered that I am always late, so I thought I had better show something now.

At the top is detail of Anne's
'Quand La Nuit', which she originally described to me as 'The Flying Cat'
I prefer the romantic French title but typical Anne, she told me she liked me referring to it as
The Flying Cat, so if I wanted I should keep that name.
At the Art Fair and the exhibition it is definitely
'Quand La Nuit'
Even I must learn to be romantic and treat somethings with reverence, [occasionally].

Below that is detail, and the whole painting of
'Don Quixote'
I love this painting, for me it evokes the feeling of a Rembrandt painting.
This painting came as a result of Anne asking in all innocence

"Is there anything special that you would like me to create for the exhibition"?

I should have said no, and I am sure that she meant a drawing
But I just couldn't help myself [nor could my ego] as I really felt sure that she could
create something really special for me on this theme.
She did
So believe me when I tell you, this is a very unexpected and rare painting.

Then of course we have an innocent and beguiling sculpture by Rachel, used for an advertisement,
plus also a little detail from another.

From now until the art fair I have decided I will try and show a little but often,
"fingers crossed".

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