Thursday, 31 July 2014

I am constantly in a state of excitement and anticipating when new pieces of art expected to arrive at the gallery,
Once I have seen something that I desire and spoken with the artist
I have no peace until there work is here on show.
This of course is totally illogical
as I see many "objects of desire" that I would love to exhibit
But I appreciate that because of other commitments only a few will ever come to the gallery
But, sometimes when I come across artists whose work really moves me
 I feel certain that if it was on exhibit here it will move the emotions
of others in the same way as it has moved mine.
On these occasions it becomes a mission and the words "no I can't" are something that I don't understand.
Fortunately for my health this does not happen often.

Thinking about things, I suppose this is what the purpose of having a gallery is all about
Showing art that people can connect with and are moved by.
Of course,
It goes without saying that if they happen to purchase that piece of art it is a big bonus,
I confess that I sometimes get confused and have to remember this is not my own personal collection
that I am exhibiting, it is art for sale.
But it is a wonderful feeling when sometimes a piece of art that you are showing
can move someone enough to make them cry.

Emotions are a strong force
When I do become really excited all logic and thoughts of sales "go out of the window"
and I will not rest until I have that piece or some of that art on show.
Then I can relax a little until I find another great artist,
and the worry starts again.
But that's the fun side of having a gallery [the rest is all stress].

I would like to think that there are a few artists/sculptors/ceramists that we have helped gain recognition,
But the truth is that I "just knew" they were going to be great, with or without us,
it was obvious.

So, here above is the art of a lady who I know is going to achieve very great things,
In fact in America she already has.
Perhaps here in England we can help the same thing happen

We don't have her sculptures at the moment they are still being created
but they will be arriving here in a few weeks.
I can't wait for that day.

Here are some pieces of carpentry/sculpture that I have long been awaiting,
that now I can enjoy.
James Evans
Is a man whose work I absolutely love, we have shown him in the past
and I hope we will many times in the future.

His work on display here now is an example of how some things are worth waiting for.
His work has been promised for a long while 
[well eight weeks seemed a bloody long time to me]
The wait had only heightened my excitement and anticipations,
I am not disappointed.

Each and every day that I look at his cupboards I find some new detail that I had missed,
they are truly stunning and are the result of hundreds of hours work.
These are pieces that I would love to possess,
but until that day happens I am proud to be a temporary custodian of such things.

I had felt sure that once they were here on display
I might calm down a little and perhaps my enthusiasm and love of them might diminish.
But it hasn't it has grown.

It would seem that much as I desire and won't rest until a piece of art is here in the gallery
that it is only on arrival that the true admiration and appreciation of that artist
and their art begins.

Which takes me back to the top of the page.
When the sculptures arrive I will tell you the artists name.

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