Sunday, 15 June 2014

There are some 'bloggers' who write everyday, and each morning I look forward to learning
what they have been doing.
Sometimes [like us all] nothing much, "just living", but it is still something I enjoy.
If they miss a day [heaven forbid] I start to worry that something bad has happened to them.
Most times it is just because they are trying to live a life,
If they didn't what would they be able to tell us?
I envy their consistency and the ease with which they seem able tell us of their lives.
I confess that I find it harder.

I am waiting all of the time for something that I feel is "newsworthy' to happen.
Thinking about it has made me understand that just maybe my every day events might be of interest,
after all my life is anything but normal, well it is certainly different to the life I used to have
before the gallery happened.
Whenever that was.

So rather than let more days and weeks slip away without writing I thought that perhaps I should show
a few pieces of the different art that have arrived since the last post.
They all have a story to tell but I haven't the time to tell them,
I have important things to do instead, like packing boxes, photographing things for emails,
writing letters, doing bookwork and accounts.
Yes all of those very exciting things that go with having a gallery.
Life used to be so easy when I had a real job, I even used to have holidays.

Still, at least this morning I got to mow the lawn at home before driving to the gallery
so I suppose that counts as a little holiday, in fact I did enjoy it.

 So, without all of the interesting stories [that did happen] to go with them here are pictures of some new exhibits.

The first up are the stunning bronzes from Paul Harvey the sculptor that I told you about a while ago.
He has moved on from working with resin and stone and is now producing
a limited edition of bronze bird sculptures.
They may be sculptures of birds but because Paul is infatuated with 'art-deco'
everything that he creates has a hint of that style, as a result they appeal to people who are not just bird
lovers but who admire that period and style.
They have only been on display for two days but the response has been fantastic.

Next, I am showing a few different sculptures and artworks by the Irish sculptor
Fidelma Massey.

Where do I start with Fidelma?
She is an absolute gem and works in a different world from the rest of us,
but it is a world full of nature, Mother Earth and gentleness.
Like myself she believes in the myth of the 'Green Man' and the 'Green Woman'.
Her work is of myths, legends and folklore,

In her native country she is a highly acclaimed sculptor and her work on a giant scale is found
in many prestigious and public locations throughout Ireland.
She is a very small woman with a giant reputation, and for many years we have been fortunate enough to have her sculptures here in the gallery.
Whenever I talk with her she will ask " would you like to have?"
She works with pencil, clay and bronze.

Whatever the medium of course I want it all.

One of her sculptures that sold recently is titled
'The Harewife'
It is an enormous bronze bowl depicting a sleeping a hare wearing a wedding ring.
I do not know of the story that Fidelma is telling us but with the polished rim of the bronze bowl
I can't help but think
"The Hare In The Moon".

Lastly, as a complete surprise, something new arrived from Rachel Stevenson.
I wasn't expecting anything for a couple of months,
as come October she is sharing an exhibition here in the gallery with the famous French Artist
Anne Bachelier
This is something we are really excited about.

The bronze sculpture of the beautiful woman sold before she could dispatch it to us,
However we will have one here at the exhibition.
But what did arrive,
was a gentle sculpture of a sleeping mouse
Like Cinderella
Resting on a little velvet cushion under a minature chandelier [which works].

So, I suppose all in all, it is not too bad for someone with nothing to write about.
But, as I was told at school.

I must write more
I must write more.

Trust me!
A lot has happened but if I told you about it all of it I wouldn't have time to make more happen.


  1. Je suis impatiente de voir la Galerie...October is not so far !

    1. But, I will be so nervous to meet you, I like your art so much I will be too frightened to speak.

      No, I will think of something to say even if it is just "hello".
      Then I will go and hide/

  2. Stunning work, you find the best artists! the delicate hand of The Harewife is so compelling, imagine it would like to stay with you!

    1. Hello Mo
      I try to find the best artists, or at least those that I think are the best.
      I will be collecting some new pieces by Fidelma sometime tomorrow.
      So with luck [at the pace I work] you will see them in about a month.
      No. I will make the effort to show you.
      Plus we have some beautiful "pen & Inks" from Anne Bachelier that are on there way to us and I can't wait to show those.
      If only I wasn't trapped into office work every day then I think that I might enjoy myself and take the time to consider how lucky I am.

      Hope things are well with you.

  3. Hello John , Trust me;..I'm not a Diva...
