Monday, 26 November 2012

I will attempt to conclude the story from the last post, although this will be a very shortened version.
Firstly because I have attempted to write it four times and have been unsuccessful because
'Blogger' has changed since I last posted and I now have great difficulty placing images.
Secondly, because Irene tells me that every time I tell this story she can see people falling asleep.
I don't care I like the story, but I promise to keep it short.

So, above you can see the different work by three very talented artist's,
George Underwood, Terry Pastor and David Bowie.
Three artists sharing a common link.
As I mentioned before George grew up and went to school with David Bowie, in fact it is because of an incident in their schooldays that Bowie [I don't know him well enough to call him David]
has an unusual appearance.
Two different coloured eyes, have you ever noticed that? Most people have.

At the age of fourteen they fought over a girl, well they didn't really fight,
George just punched Bowie in the face, something to do with a few "fibs" being told and the girl being
lured away from George. I can understand him being upset, especially as he asked her for a 'date' first.
The full story can be found online, with accounts from them both, I won't bother to give you my account as I am sure to add a few little pieces of my own just to make it even more interesting.

So, there is David Bowie on the floor with a hand over his eye, all for the love of a girl.
The result was eight months off school, two operations and different coloured eyes.
You might think that this ended the friendship, but no it continues to this day.

George went onto become the artist I admire and Bowie the musical legend we all know of.
Their friendship and combined talents brought them together much later in life when Bowie
recorded the album Hunky Dory.

Lets face it if you want a good piece of artwork you might as well ask an artist you know, admire
and trust to produce it.
We are talking something like 1973, a time when George was sharing a studio with an artist named
Terry Pastor.
Terry was something of [and still is] a master craftsman with an airbrush, a tool that was needed to
produce this unusual yet simple album cover.
George explained to him that his mate David needed some artwork done and asked Terry would he do
the airbrushing that was needed?

The album produced hits such as 'Changes', 'Life on Mars' and 'Oh!  You Pretty Things.'
So it would be safe to say that it was a bit of a success.

Bowie followed this with 'Ziggy Stardust'.
He had liked the previous artwork so much he went back to see his friend and his partner and
requested some of the same magic be used again.
The result?
Well, I think we all know that.
The album made David Bowie a world star and the album cover is hailed as being the second most iconic cover ever produced. The Beatles 'Abbey Road' being the first.

In recent years the cover has made Terry something of a celebrity, it has even been used as a Royal Mail stamp. It seems that hardly a week passes without Terry appearing on radio, television or
in a magazine.
The amazing thing is that he is now my friend, plus a neighbour.
Once or twice every week he calls in to have a chat, and although I know him I still can't resist asking
for stories about the 'old days' when we were all young and life was innocent and fun.

Terry has produced a special limited edition set of [just 10] prints using an
'out take' of the Hunky Dory cover. We always have one of these plus much of his other work on show in the gallery. 

We also now have a copy of the painting that George produced of the original cover.
This was painted as a gift for David but became lost for nearly 37 years until George discovered it
recently, while he was clearing his garage.
It went on sale a few weeks ago in London, priced at £16,000,
But our version is a little bit more affordable and is one of the first prints produced.

How strange it all seems to me.
What would I have thought all those years ago when I was in my 'den' listening to my latest
purchase [Hunky Dory] with my girlfriend [Irene] if someone had said:
"One day when you are much, much older, you and your wife Irene will have a gallery and you
will be showing this album cover on the wall".
Life can be hard and a little bit funny but sometimes it can be fun and brings surprises.

The wonderful picture by George is called 'The Three Muses Return'
[actually they have gone again as I have just sold it].
Terry's new version of the old album cover is of course called.
"Oh! You Pretty Things".


  1. Oh this is a wonderful post so here's a clink with a toast to to all of us who were such pretty things & to the memory of the ones who burned so bright & fast who are no longer with us.

    1. It was a bit of a silly post really Mo but I just found it all intriguing. The proper story and how they are all linked takes a lot longer to tell.
      Aside from that another coincidence happened about a week ago.
      A man came in to purchase one of Terry's 'Bowie' pictures and while he was here Terry called in for a chat [which went on for hours].
      What came out in the conversation was that Terry had only been to see Bowie once on stage, while he was performing as Ziggy Stardust. It was at a very famous rock venue called the Rainbow [which is now gone].
      It turns out that the customer was at the same gig, as were Irene and I, and who was working back stage helping out on the tour?
      George Underwood.
      None of it really means anything but it just seems strange the way that life takes you down different paths, that sometimes cross.

    2. this tale is weaving that strong wild magic of the flighty nature of chance, thanks so much for sharing !
