Friday 7 September 2012

I admit that like lots of people that I know I do have an ego.
I like to think that it isn't too big and I certainly don't treat anything that I do as being precious.
I just do things because I want to and because it gives me pleasure.
Well that is certainly true in the case of my small photography output, the pictures are taken for me
and my pleasure only. If others like them I am really happy but if they don't then I am not bothered.
I analyse, dissect and judge myself too often to be hurt by what others think, but of course I do love praise and the occasional stroke and pat on the head.
Which brings me to the pictures above.

Any photographs that I like enough are offered to a picture library that I have been associated with since we opened the gallery. 
It was at a time when I was starting to like what I was taking and they had just opened.
I found a small advertisement in a magazine asking for photographers for a new picture library.
In fact it was so new it was just a husband and wife working from home.
I was one of the first photographers that they signed and we have been friends ever since.
Their own fortunes have grown and grown, I would guess now that a large proportion of the book covers that we all see originate from them and their photographers.
I know that now I am their smallest contributor, I send them maybe two pictures a year.
But we are still friends because I was one of the first.

Occasionally they will inform me that someone wants to use a picture of mine for a book cover.
I very rarely, if ever get to know what the book was which is a shame as I would love to own a copy 
[even if it was in dutch or Japanese] just to boost my sense of self importance.
After all, it is very hard to deal every day with talented artists when you feel unable to create something of your own.

For some reason a week ago I looked in my 'junk' email folder and there amongst all the advertisements for Viagra [how they know I need it troubles me] was a letter marked 'Your Photograph'.

It was a mail from an author who was about to have her first book published, a lady named
Linda Lafferty.
She explained how much she loved the old painting that was being used for her cover and had asked her agent who painted it.
When she was told that it was a modern photograph she asked him to track down the photographer.
Eventually she found me.
As a result she wrote one of the nicest letters I have ever received, she told me that she couldn't imagine a better cover for her novel.
She went on to praise me much more than I am worth and promised to tell people about me whenever she gave an interview or did a book reading.
To say that I was moved would be something of an understatement, so I wrote back to her and explained how the photograph of her cover came into being.
Less than thirty minutes later she replied and asked permission for my description of the picture to be used in the promotion of her book.
Blimey, fame at last.
What a lovely and kind person she must be, at a time that is so important to her she is including me.
I went home that evening hovering on a little cloud of my own.

The book called 'The Bloodletters Daughter' was published three days ago.
This evening she mailed me to ask "was I aware that it had gone to No.1 of the 'Kindle' bestsellers list
in both the fiction and historical fiction sellers in two days.

I understand that this is entirely due to her work, but even so it has given me a little 'glow' inside as I leave for the evening.
How could I ever have guessed on the day I pressed the shutter "for my pleasure" that the image that I could see might end up being seen around the world.
But then, it's a small world isn't it?

Above is the book cover, my original picture plus two others shot at the same time.


  1. beautiful photographs John & what a good story!

  2. Dear John,

    Your superb art (YES! I know it is a photograph, but it is ART) + my book...meant to be.

    Absolute synchronicity.

    I am forever grateful.

    Warm Regards,

    Linda Lafferty

  3. Six degrees of Kevin Bacon! -- I love it when disparate parts of my experience connect in an interesting way -- like this one. Just bought the book and will be interested to read it.

  4. Wonderful! Your work is beautiful.

  5. Et j'aime beaucoup votre histoire...

  6. Thank you Mo.
    I think that you are the only blogger that owns one of my photographs
    and it is nice to have your continued appreciation.

  7. Linda.
    What can I say?
    At an important time like this and you are taking time to read my rambling thoughts.
    Thank "you" so much for bothering to find me, it has meant a great deal.
    Fingers crossed for lots of sales.
    Hey! If they make a film of the book promise me that you will arrange for me to visit and take photographs.

    Stranger things have happened.

    1. Hi, John!

      Fingers crossed for sales and film, but quite frankly, I am just enjoying the ride now. I am writing hour after hour on other novels to come, and that feels good.

      I'm truly living in the moment.

      I am so grateful to have readers. And every time I see our cover, I think of you.

      If I have any say about photographs on a film set (who knows??) I will certainly contact you.

      Take care, and continue practicing your astonishing talent...

  8. WOL.
    Interesting that you had purchased the book [but you have good taste]
    I will be interested to know your review.

  9. Earth-angel.
    Now I know that's not your name and I know that I have it written on one of my many note pads [which one].
    Thank you for your comment, it means a lot as I know that you are one of the only Bloggers that I m likely to see from time to time.
    Hope to see you soon.
    P.S. No news on the book but have you seen who has commented after you?

  10. Anne Bachelier

    I am so very pleased and honoured to have your comments.
    More than any artist, you are the one whose art I am the most proud to have on show, and truly the only artist whose work I yearn to own.

    Merci beaucoup.

  11. man i need the cover page of the bloodletter's daughter in highest resolution.I want to get it framed
