Saturday 2 July 2011

Thinking about things that I should have written about, but didn't get around to I thought that I might show you some art that has really been occupying my mind and getting me excited.
"Thaddeus Erdahl".

The wonderful thing about the Internet and blogging for me is that it opens up the whole world,
so no longer do I feel that I have to chase after the over exposed English artists, I can now look and lust after work on a worldwide scale.
Can you imagine just how frustrating that is?
There are lots of artists out there but every now and then I am able to discover
something that is to me "real gold".
As I have said many times, everything that I show is for my enjoyment and pleasure.
It is these pieces of art that sell for me, maybe it is because like minded people come into the gallery knowing that they might find something they are searching for, or maybe it is because I talk more [non stop] about the things I love.
Not to try and sell them, just so that I can try and make people appreciate them as I do.
The trouble is it that it usually works and then that particular piece disappears to a new home.

So back to my current love and obsession.
The incredible, strange, disturbing, beautiful and so well crafted sculptures by Thaddeus.

I can't remember how I discovered him [he wasn't lost, I just found him],
but I am so pleased that I have.
One day before too long some of his strange work will be here on display,
and for me that day can't be too soon.
As soon as they arrive I will show you our strange new treasures, but until then this is a sample
of what I hope will arrive one day.
It seems so odd, these works coming from a place I haven't been to and from an artist I haven't met, but it also seems so normal.
We have met, in a different way, and do know a little of each other and it is the fact that we both love the same things that makes it all seem so normal.

1 comment:

  1. It's wonderful to see artwork from all over the world and I am looking forward to seeing Thaddeus's new work on your blog as I am also a sculptor.
