Monday 23 May 2011

After the "Ancient Mariner" opening yesterday there is nothing I would have liked more than to take the day off, to gather my thoughts and reflect on events.
But there is certainly no time for that, there are still a lot of exhibits that are missing so I thought it best to spend the day trying to track those down and find when [if ever] they might arrive.
Come this evening I am no further forward and still have no idea of where things are, or when
they might reach us, but on the positive side I did have a curt email from one international courier demanding to know our "company" details.

In real language it means
"we intend to send a big bill before you get anything".
So perhaps wheels are turning, and who knows?
Maybe one day they might find the time to deliver something.
If they do I must remember to mail and thank them for their efforts.

Having no luck with couriers I spent the remainder of the day photographing different things
that have arrived, with the intention of putting them on the web site.
This is always something that seems to take so long.
I am never happy with the pictures that I take and I really feel that if I can't "do justice"
to the work then it is better to show nothing rather than portray something indifferently.
Maybe [most likely] I'm wrong, as perhaps people only need to get an idea of how something looks, who knows?
I have managed to get some things photographed, but unfortunately this had to be done outside in bright sunlight as my "remote flash" has decided that it doesn't recognize the camera anymore.
Which is odd, as they have been good mates for a couple of years.
Still, that's relationships for you.

So here are a very few of one mans work.
These are of the leather 'Ancient Mariner' journal by Mark Rowney.
The pictures "really" don't do justice to the work, but I wanted to show it anyway.
It is covered with text and pictures from the poem and is stunning.

Mark is such a very clever and most unusual artist.
If he is not painting incredible pictures on wood then he is creating something equally as unusual from leather. I'm not sure how to describe his leather work as it is somewhere between art and sculpture, but I do know that it is very, very clever and beautiful.
How many hours went into the making of this piece of work I couldn't guess at, and I am very
grateful and moved that he went to so much trouble for a group exhibition.

Incredible art and no ego involved.

So Yes,
I will mention it, after great deliberation,
this was such a contrast from one artist who had asked for a solo "show" with us and who had agreed to be part in this exhibition to "test the water" with her work.
Who even after being given a gentle "nudge" even a week ago,

"I'm still working on it".

Decided to send nothing.
Her name was on the invitation, but we received nothing, not even a courtesy call.
Let's face the fact, group shows are about good work not individual ego's.
With some people it is all about "Look at me".

For this reason I intend to show you a lot of the work by the very talented people who became excited about the "theme" and were happy to be part of the whole, to create good work and to exhibit alongside other artists they admire, with no thought of personal recognition.

There are a lot of very nice artists out there.
When it comes to ego's?
Blimey! After fitting mine in there is no room left for others.


  1. "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" is my all time favourite poem!
    It's exciting to see so many different variations on the theme, thank you for putting this show together and look forward to seeing all the wonderful works when they finally arrive!

  2. I agree with Mo Crow, I love looking at wonderful works of art even if I live on the other side of the world and will never get to see them in person, it is such a priviledge that you take the time and trouble to show them to us through your blog. Thank you.
