Tuesday 1 March 2011

I'm in "post exhibition" recovery mode at the moment.
Last weekend was the opening of our latest exhibition, 'Wings of Hope' when we showed the paintings of Lindsey Carr and the sculptural ceramics by Anne Morrison.
Both artists from Glasgow, both artists so very different.
In some ways it may have seemed a strange partnership but their work was so different that
there was no overlap or competition between them or their work.
Lindsey's paintings very complex, detailed and very different from any other.
Anne's very gentle, but so robust ceramic forms, strong and very understated.
The common ground between them is that they both tell stories through their art.

The paintings seem as if they are fragments of a story, almost like pages torn from a book,
leaving questions in the mind of "what happens next".
The ceramics, some with lettering and even pictures on the surface, spoke for themselves.
Although I am sure that some of what they speak of will be interpreted differently by us all.

Luckily for me I had Lindsey here so I was able to ask, and didn't need to put my own interpretations on her work, and I must admit that the temptation is here to start telling about individual pictures but for that I don't have enough time.
In fact this short post is part of my "catching up" process, because as usual many important
and pressing things have been put aside while I concentrated upon the opening.
In fact the gallery was closed several times the week before as I had to take time out to frame
a few of the paintings, something that takes me far too long as I don't do it very often.
Irene was away and Sam [our son] had other things to get on with, so it was left for me to do it myself, something that I both enjoyed and hated.
I just didn't have enough time to enjoy myself doing something different because while I was
occupied the gallery stood empty, that I hated
The strange thing is, it seemed to generate more sales as a result of it.
I was besieged with mail [and still am] about the exhibition, the interest has been incredible
and as a result when it came to the opening a lot of pieces of the work had reserves on them.
So maybe this should tell me something.

Because I have shown paintings by Lindsey to you before I decided that I must take a few minutes to give you a peek at a few of the ceramic pieces by Anne, otherwise this week will disappear under a pile of paperwork and mails and when I find time again to do another post
most likely I will be concerned or excited about something else.
In fact I am, in fact a lot of things.
"But first things first".

It was one piece by Anne that gave birth to the title of the exhibition, it seemed to be a common
area shared by both artists
Both ceramics and paintings showed them. On one of Anne's forms were the words:
"When evil arrows fly around
Hold fast to Wings of Hope"
To me this became symbolic, and so the exhibition title was formed.

Another of her beautiful winged form had the words:
"Bind up your broken wings and let your dreams fly free".

This is both beautiful yet sad, as it was made in memory of a potter who died not too long ago.
I know many people used to follow and enjoy his own blog.
It is strange, I have just checked, and there his blog is, still for us all to read.
But it is now stuck forever at one date.
His last entry showing pictures taken on one of his walks, together with his dog.
Then the blog, like life, just ends.

So it was lovely that Anne had been moved enough by this man to make this beautiful piece of sculpture and that we have it here to show.

Above is 'The Wings of Hope' sculpture, followed by a picture showing how Lindsey frames a lot of her paintings, the other pieces are of course by Anne.


  1. I love the pots with the wooden handles and crackle glazes. Lindsey Carr's art reminds me of the old Victorian botanical prints.

  2. Both wonderful artists. I love it all. Thanks for all your hard work!
