Sunday, 5 December 2010

Each year we hold about six different exhibitions at the gallery, some solo exhibitions and the others usually group shows set around a theme.
These I really enjoy as it gives me the opportunity to have a little "artistic" input of my own,
firstly in deciding upon a theme then secondly in choosing the various artists that I think will best bring the idea to life, it is always very satisfying [once the opening is over] to stand back and marvel at the interpretations from the various different minds.
The first planned for next year is on the theme of the 'Rime of The Ancient Mariner', this was originally planned as a solo exhibition by the sculptor John Maltby but he has since urged me to "go ahead with the idea" as a group show.
This will of course make for a more varied show, it is something I am looking forward to planning.
I will have to give much thought in a short space of time as I am thinking of sometime in May which doesn't give a lot of time for artists to think and prepare, even if it is just for the inclusion of one piece. I think that I will make this my Christmas "break" project, so when I arrive back here on 'Boxing Day' after my 24 hour holiday I will have a much clearer idea of who I would really like to be involved.
So although we are very much involved with the whole Christmas experience at the moment
[it is a little festive here just now] my thoughts are very much on the future, even to the extent that I have asked one artist to show in 2012.
Perhaps I am getting too ambitious.
So, for next year our first planned exhibition is not until the end of February which at the moment seems a long way off, although having a little break from the planning and promotion side of things will be welcome [although I do have to start designing advertisements soon].

Lindsey Carr, is the artist for our next show.
I am so pleased that I had asked her earlier this year when she first exhibited with in a joint exhibition with fellow artist Mark Rowney.
Then the connection between them was that they both painted onto wood.
I loved both there works, although then Mark was perhaps the more established of the pair I had a "gut feeling" that Lindsey was really going to "take off", so on impulse I asked if she would come back in a year and have her first solo exhibition.
She agreed, thank goodness as now one year on her work is sought after worldwide and in just a few months from saying "yes" her art was being shown in numerous exhibitions in America and Europe.
But, next February she is all mine.
I am really excited and honestly can't wait to see her new work, although I know it will only frustrate me as I will want to own so many pieces but won't be able to afford one.
Still for a short while it will all be mine.
A few days ago she sent me an image of a painting that was about 90% finished, this was so that I could use portions of it for advertisements and editorials etc.
I loved it, if having a small print of this unfinished picture was all that I would personally own, then that would be enough to keep me happy, it is beautiful.
I will say and urge that if anyone out there can afford it, then snap up one of her paintings while they are still affordable as I am certain that this girl is going to be an artist that I will one day be able to boast about [I like to boast] to people. I'm sure only to have them exclaim.
" You, had HER work "?

Another exciting event that I will look forward to is the launch of the latest Jackie Morris book,
something that is still very much ongoing at the moment. I know that Jac is working to a publishers deadline as usual which can't be the best experience in the World, but although she never seems to realise it at the time some of her best work is produced under these circumstances.
It is a book of Nursery Rhymes titled 'A Rhyme in Time' .
I know that is the title because the cover has been printed and I have a copy of it.
Jackie is obsessed by time [along with a thousand other interesting things], or more to the point the waste of time, I think she really is a person for who the days just aren't long enough,
I think to do, and create all of the things she talks of and plans would take at least one and a half life times, but I somehow have a feeling that she will do most of them.
I am aware that I do mention her fairly frequently on the blog, this is perhaps because she is so very inventive and her idea's so exciting, plus she is one of the most generous people we know.

With her obsession with time it was no great surprise to find that her new book cover was designed around a clock.
From the first time I looked at the illustrations I could only think of just how good this could be if it was turned into a real creation.
I often tell myself "You must not dabble with artists creations".
But what the hell, I know best, don't I?

For a week or so my mind was occupied with trying to image how this clock could be brought
to 'real life'. Was it possible? Who had the ability to do it?
In my mind there was only one person, Jon Mayle.
Jon, a jeweller/designer /artist, I have known since we were both very much younger.
Thinking about it, maybe 40 years, which is incredible as I don't look a day older [well let's face it, does Father Christmas age]?

Unfortunately for me Jon is one of the people who at times can be immune to my powers of persuasion [luckily his wife and sculptor Jan isn't], so I wasn't sure how he would take my request to make a "real clock".
But, I asked.
After a couple of days he came back to me, "I can do it, no problem, exactly as the pictures, but
before I start ask Jackie if she minds".

Well you know how "up themselves" and precious some artists can be?

Well, Jackie isn't one of them.
"Fantastic, when, how much will it cost, I can't wait to see it, brilliant".
Were among Jackie's many comments.
So some time in the near future I will be showing pictures of the most amazing clock.
A collaboration by two talented artists [plus me of course].

Now then, that has made something come to mind.

A while back I had thought of an exhibition titled "Collaborations", I had forgotten all about the idea until I wrote those words.

Heck! How many months are there next year?

Above are unfinished painting by Lindsey and Jackie's front and back cover paintings.


  1. "Wouldn't it be great if somebody could make a clock like that?" is the very think I thought when I saw Jackie's cover art for "A Rhyme in Time." I too will be eagerly awaiting the outcome. Add to your titles, "Artistic Facilitator."

  2. I do love the picture at the top John. Very beautiful. I could live with that. Looking forward to seeing the clock. And I may do prints of the cover also. Have been looking through plan chests for prints to send to you and i have about 5 so I will give you a call and then get them into the post.
    And now I must go paint.

  3. What marvellous words that flow from you John, you have a gift as great as the artists you enjoy so. Bravo!
