Wednesday, 22 September 2010

I have wanted to write but have had no pictures to go with the words.
What use is a blog without a picture?
I have been watching other blogs that seem to have a wealth of beautiful images but unfortunately I don't get out too much.
A lot of interesting things have happened but I have found that pictures of the telephone and the computer don't look that exciting.
One thing that has happened which is a little amusing is that the last 'post' is going to be reproduced in a newspaper. Fame at last.
The sculpture by Eve Shepherd that is going on display this Friday seems to have really connected with lots of people. I am not surprised as I was very moved from the moment that I was shown pictures of it in the early stages of its creation.
It's hard to put "your finger" on what it is that moves you, but everyone that has seen it has been touched by its presence. It is really one of the pieces of work that we have shown that I really would like to own. Not for material reasons, but just because it moves me inside.
If that makes any sense.
I have spent far too much time on promoting the showing of this work, time that I don't have to spare, but it's just that I feel that what it represents and what the money could do to help has made me feel that I mustn't leave a stone unturned in the promotion of the sculpture.
I must be mad as I rarely do this much work to promote us.
It has had tremendous results.
It is to be featured in four newspapers, has a radio programme talking about it and maybe featured on TV. In fact I had a mail this morning asking if I would be prepared to be interviewed on another B.B.C. radio programme this Sunday.
It appealed to my vanity [plus the chance to plug Imagine] but I mentioned it to the lady who is organising the fund raising and she told me "turn that over to me, I'm good at interviews".

I must admit I prefer writing to talking unless it's about a piece of art, in those case I have been known to send insomniacs to sleep. It would have been nice to slip our name in but I know that I would have felt very cheap afterwards.
Unless, of course lots of people came in spending as a result of it in which case I would have felt richer.
Also it was at 7.40am. Who? Just who is awake then, on a Sunday. Not me.

So hopefully with the invitations now going out I can now just look forward to the opening then get back with my "normal" life.
Normal life hasn't felt that normal recently.
It is the time of year when all of my concentration should be focused on sourcing new work for the gallery, as every artist/sculptor is preparing for the end of year Art Fairs, then the promise of inclusion in various Christmas exhibitions.
I am not enjoying it at all, normally I "stumble" across an artist or a various piece of work, and
I hate the feeling of being in a competition with the 'Big Promises Gallery'.
I usually feel that somehow the right work finds its way to us, or me to the artist.
I'm sure that this is what will happen as it always does, but it doesn't lessen the pressure of making me feel that I should be "out there bigging it up" and getting new art.
I know that I shouldn't give it another thought as several of our artists have put us at the top of their list and I know that there is some beautiful work on its way to us, work that will excite me.
But, if I didn't worry what else would I do?
Here I am with the best job in the world and I start whinging.

One thing that I am definitely not worrying about is the quality of work that will start arriving
for our next exhibition, which is a solo show by the incredible Louise Richardson.
Her work is so different and so very imaginative, I really would love to peek inside her mind.
She seems to be able to capture in her various works things that are at the back of your conscious mind, forgotten dreams, memories of childhood, fairy tales, and all of it so very gentle, moving and beautifully crafted.
She really is the perfect artist, I often wonder "what can't she make".
At the moment we have in the window one piece by her, this will be removed [if not sold] at
the weekend as it is part of her exhibition. It is on display because a famous film director is
staying locally for a few days and he is in love with her work.
He mailed me to say he was coming, so I in turn called Louise and asked "have you got just one piece ready"?
So in a way it is a really private view, for one person, with just one piece

Well, not that private because above you can see what he will see. I admit my pictures are not that good and that he will get far greater enjoyment, but whatever.
Here it is, plus a couple of details.
'Sunday Best'.
Made from an old hymn book [with a lot of talent and love].
Below that is a picture of a piece by someone I am very long overdue in mentioning,
Ruth King. It is one of her 'Sailing Vessels', I don't think that it needs an explanation but I will tell you more of her another day.


  1. Interesting piece by Louise Richardson. However, are those butterflies or moths? -- Hard to tell from the photo -- and I would "see" the piece differently depending on which specie of flying critters they are.

    Love the green glaze on the "sailing vessel." It would not surprise me if Ms. King had a very droll sense of humor.

  2. Droll or not, I know that she has a sense of humour. I just wished that I could take a photograph that did justice to her work.

    Butterflys, moths? Who cares they are all from her imagination.
    I can't wait to see more of it.
