Monday 16 August 2010

Firstly I ought to mention our up coming exhibition, the one I have been designing the invitations for. I suppose I feel the need to mention it sooner rather than later as it is already gathering momentum and press releases and advertisements seem almost out of date before they are even published.
This mainly due to the incredible art and effort that Artist Jackie Morris is putting
into bringing the exhibition to fruition.
I have become so used to various artists sending work at the last moment with a seeming
uncaring attitude it has taken me almost by surprise to find someone who recognises just how hard these events are to put on, and that a little help goes a very long way.
As a result three paintings have sold, not only before the exhibition opens but even before they arrived in the gallery.
Only Jackie could have made this happen, and it should act as a lesson to many artists,
a little help goes a long way.
Surely it is better to create sales, than to sit back doing nothing and then exclaiming
"they couldn't sell my art".
Which has always surprised me, as any gallery has to make a large investment
[financial, time or with faith, usually all] to show any artist, and I am sure that no one feels
the disappointment of poor sales more than a gallery owner.
It is so lovely to have the help of the artist.

So here we are with the invitations not back from the printer and the cover picture is already
sold, something that I know will disappoint many people.
Amanda Popham who is the joint artist would be in the same position, as I have had many calls asking what pieces we have from her.
The answer "none at the moment".
The pictures of her work on the invitation are all of ceramic sculptures that sold at auction
earlier this month and everything that we will be showing is being created especially for the exhibition.
Everything from both artists will be here a week before the opening on September 5 th,
as soon as I have things I will start to show them, both here and on our web site.
But as a sneak preview above are pictures of the invitation.

Apart from the usual day to day business of running the gallery a lot has been going on behind the scenes.
Officially our lease here expires here at the end of September and for some time now we haven't known where we will be after that, although we have been in negotiations for a much larger building for a very long time.
Politics [I'm sure you have heard of it].
It now seems that by the end of this week we might have a larger gallery, but what is more
likely we will have two galleries in different locations.
One in Long Melford and one in Lavenham.
Whatever the outcome we are very excited about what the future will bring.
I hope to be able to let everyone know by the end of the week.

I just can't wait for all that extra worry and increased paperwork.

I have started to photograph other pieces of work in the gallery, but as I still have many pictures to take I will leave those for the next post.
Apart from the invitation one extra picture above is the first of the finished photographs of
Emma Rodgers daughters "as fairies" that I mentioned taking a week ago.
There will be about 20 in total, all different and all from my muddled imagination.
This is the first.
As long as her little girl likes it then that is all that matters, after all if I take myself seriously I will start thinking I'm an artist.
Who knows know what that would lead to.


  1. HA - as if you AREN"T an artist!! Good luck with gallery moves, shows and stuff... and hope you are getting a lot of good support from your remaining dog-friends. I know it takes such a long time for the space of the particular dog-friend you lost to be less missed....

    Like the fairy photo, I bet she will, too.

  2. I love Amanda's work. Looks fantastic.

  3. Thank You Valerianna.
    About the moves I will mention tomorrow, but the support that helps comes from people like you.
    How strange is that?

    It still hurts but we will get there.
    Thank you.
