Monday 19 July 2010

It has been a busy few days.
It is a busy time of the year, not necessarily in the gallery but with different art shows around the country. I provides me with opportunities to meet several artists in one location, which although the circumstances may not always be ideal does cut down my travelling by an enormous amount.
All of the shows tend to be bunched up into a small window of time, with several overlapping or even competing with one another, which seems silly as they have the whole year to plan and
most of them are competing for the same customers [we call them clients in the "art" world].
I have made six visits to four shows in the past two weeks.
Some good, some not so, but at least I have the chance to meet old friends.
The most recent visit was to 'Art in Action', which is by far my favourite event of the year.
There is such a large variety of work by the very best artists, all who seem to admire the work of each other that there is none of the usual big ego 'baggage' found at many of the other events.
The show is held in Oxfordshire [near to where I used to live in another life] and it is without
a doubt the best organised of the years events.
It is very educational, with all artists demonstrating their art or craft.
Stonemasons, sculptors, book binders, print makers, painters, potters.........the list seems endless. The very best artists, all of them selected for the event.
As an artist you can not apply, the organisers approach you, which seems to be the formula
for excellence of the work on show.
It seems to be a happy event for all involved, public and artist.
The location is beautiful and if the weather is kind it is an event to relish.

I would have relished it a little more had there not been as much travelling involved but at least I was able to meet and collect from some of our varied artists.
Because of the crowds there is never much time for talk, usually just a few words, and the promise of a meeting at the close of the event to load my car up with "treasure".

There is so much that happens and to talk about, most of it recorded on other blogs,
so I will just restrict myself to showing a few pictures of three of my favourite artists, plus a hint of their work.

Above is a tile by Iris [who is now doing work with Jackie].
The hand of Iris working on a new tile [she refused to let me photograph her face].
My friend Stephen Parry who has just finished throwing a large pot on a cartwheel.
Stephen next to one of his large pots [notice how they shrink when fired, or has he grown]?
Jackie Morris, drawing a picture at the front of one of her books.
Most people just sign them, not Jackie she wants to give every single person a unique book.
After four days of talking to people, asking about their children then drawing a them a special picture she must have been exhausted but she still had time to banter with me and to talk
about our exhibition together in September.

Talking of exhibitions, I was informed by Iris that she and Jackie have decided that they are
going to exhibit together in our gallery.
If only someone had told me.
Still, at least when they decide when in the future they will hold this event it will give me something to look forward to.
When I know I will let you know.

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