Tuesday 20 April 2010

opened at last on Sunday, a day that now seems years ago. It was one of those exhibitions that
had me thinking "never again".
Group shows are always hard to bring together as they can  involve so many different artists
all who have other projects of their own to pursue so getting the date and timings right for everyone can be a nightmare. But we got there and it was all worthwhile on the day.
Although I wasn't able to enjoy it and look at things objectively until the day after.
Openings are funny things, you have many people who have become friends turn up and the desire is to chat with them all, but in reality only a few minutes is spent with each person as you notice someone else walk in who you would like to welcome,
so I end up "flitting' from one to another 
without having a proper conversation.
The day was made special by the number of artists who attended, including the artist 
Rima Staines, and Karen Witty, who had both travelled hundreds of miles
from opposite ends of the country.
They are both incredibly talented, and are full of ideas. It excites me to talk with them.

Talking of talking.
I have just been interrupted by a phone call from Jackie Morris.
I think that we talked for too long as I notice it is now getting dark and when I started to write
it seemed like early evening.
Well at least it was still light outside.
We had much to talk of, me the opening and Jackie some fantastic news that she has had.
"It's a secret", she told me,
"so don't tell anyone".
I will try to keep my mouth shut for at least a day, then I will tell you all.
One thing that I can mention is that it means her art is going to increase in value.
So "get em" while you still can. 
Jackie is bringing me some fantastic new pictures which I will definitely show when they arrive.
She was a 'bit of a bugger' as she kept asking
"would you like the picture of................."?
It was like being a child in a sweetshop, I wanted them all.
I think that she is going to bring everything that we spoke of.
I had better empty the walls quick, as I don't know where we will hang them all.
But I'm sure I will manage somehow.

Above are a few snaps of ALICE exhibits, I wasn't able to photograph the opening as the camera
had packed up, so maybe these will just give an idea of the "oddity's" on show.
Everything but the normal.
After all it is Alice in Wonderland.


  1. Ssshhhh... John. Don't tell! I think you will like the hare drawings. They are in hand gilded white gold frames, very elegant. John Mitchel, my framer, has a way of making the simplest piece shine. You have until about 10 tomorrow to let me know if you want anything else.
    I love that dormouse in the tea cup. They are haunting me now and I have a series of them to draw when I find time.
    But if things go well I will be too busy to think soon.

  2. See, now I'm intrigued, as Jackie has not let it out on her blog. And even her cats have been too busy going down rabbit holes!
    Last week, I saw the current (Tim Burton) "Alice" movie and while I loved some parts, I was a bit disappointed in others.This collection, though looks stunning and I wish I was still in Cavendish - I could have walked there!

  3. This exhibition looks amazing John....would love to be there to see it.
    I haven't been to see Tim Burton's "Alice" yet because I keep hearing disappointing things about it.....not usually influenced by others opinions, but the consensus appears a bit dire on this one!
