Thursday 24 December 2009

I have so wanted to put pictures on over the last week, the snow has been so like Christmas.
Unfortunately it hasn't been the best thing to happen in terms of sales, never the less we have enjoyed it. Little things like taking our 3 dogs [Old English Sheepdogs] out for a walk has been an extra pleasure with the knowledge that we won't be returning home with "muddy paws", has been an added bonus, also for the first time this year the garden has looked pretty.
Apart from this Long Melford has looked "a picture", the epitome of an English village at Christmas, all we needed was Santa arriving on the green and it would have been the perfect setting for a child at Christmas.
Alas, I haven't been out with the camera, it has taken so long to get here each day I haven't had the luxury of wandering around.
Of course the problem has been that it has been hard for anyone to reach us, so over the last week
a lot of sales have been concluded via the Internet and telephone.
Never the less, it has been a very enjoyable run up to Christmas and I have seen many beautiful works of art disappear, which is a strange experience, as of course I want to sell things but at the same time I love them and miss them when they have gone.
I have many little stories and things that I want to mention, but I have still not shopped for Christmas dinner, and with only an hour to go before the country shuts down I think that I had better leave them until Monday.
So with a last minute posting this is what the window looks like before I close for the day.
We have the "Angel Hares" by Karen Fawcett, which though  childish are so very well crafted
it is impossible not to love them.
The other pieces are by Louise Richardson, the larger piece in the glass case I will show in detail after Christmas, the other is a fairy like bodice made entirely from human hair.
It has sold to a local hairdresser, with very good taste I must add.

Merry Christmas to all.


  1. I have enjoyed following your blog, John. Hope you and your family enjoy a wonderful Christmas.

  2. Merry Christmas, John. It's good to see a view of the gallery. A happy and prosperous 2010 to you, as well.
