Friday 6 November 2009

Things are starting to get more exciting and hectic as the year draws towards its close,
the pressure is now on to get as much new and original work on display before Christmas.
I have many artists to tell you about and many to visit, but I will "try" to mention them as their work arrives or as I visit them.
Recently I have been having correspondence with an incredible sculptor who I had never heard of until a week or so ago, her name is
Eve Shepherd.
What I can't understand is that I hadn't found her before as her sculpture fits in so well with what we are all about. As it turns out she found us.
I can imagine her thoughts were very much "why haven't they been in contact with me?"
Had I known of her existence I would have been, I am searching all the time for people whose work I think will fit in with us, but they can be hard to find and at times it can be a little bit intimidating approaching
certain artists as their thoughts are only of London galleries.
Eve approached us and I am delighted to say that sometime before Christmas the first of her work shall arrive here. At the moment she is still sculpting it, which makes it even more exciting as we will be exhibiting work unseen before, so I thought that it might be interesting to show you pictures of her "work in progress", which can then be compared with the finished pieces that I will photograph when they arrive.
I will point out that the picture at the top is a finished piece, it's titled 'Alone'.

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