Monday 23 November 2009

Christmas Posters

This isn't what I want to write about, as I have much more interesting people to talk about and
whose art I want to show, but I have these pictures to hand so it is easier to mention what I have been doing today.
Our Christmas opening is this weekend, like all exhibitions that we have there seems to be masses to do and no time to do it, this probably has something to do with the fact that I am very
disorganised and tend to get excited about many things at once and don't have time to calm down long enough to look "under my nose" and see what must be done next.
So, our invitations have gone out, advertisements printed, new work is here with more is on its way, there are journeys to undertake, displays to arrange, etc,etc, and still I haven't done a poster.
Something that Irene pointed out to me last night, of course I argued that we had time and that I was "on the case", but in truth it had been forgotten so this afternoon I tried out a few designs and made a print of each.
I find it very hard as we show such a variety of work and it is almost impossible to have a poster or invitation that will appeal to everyone.
I suppose in truth, myself I tend to want to go towards a "corny" old fashioned look, as for me that is what Christmas is all about, nostalgia, or maybe that's just an age thing.

But going for this look then wipes out the relevance of all the fantastic very contemporary work that we have and are receiving for the Christmas show and as a result I would probably lose a lot of customers who are after something modern and very different, so I have decided on about six different
posters starting with the three I have done today.
I like them all in different ways, the first features the incredible "fantasy" dress created by Louise Richardson [one of the nicest, most down to Earth and successful artists we show], it is a little like "Cinderella meets the Angel" and is truly beautiful, I just wish that a photograph did it justice.
The second picture is of an engraving by a very clever man who died in 1971, Meyer Eberhardt.
I love his work and we always try to have at least one of his pictures on display, the one in the poster is a favourite of mine.
Another favourite is the picture in the last poster, why you might ask?
Because it's one of mine.
I don't like showing my photographs as it feels like it is all about ego, and I honestly think as far as photography goes I lost mine long ago [only with photography that is] but as this one is so "Christmas'y" I thought "why not"?
It was taken in the village of Lavenham earlier this year and reminds me of Christmas as a child, or at least in the childhood of my imagination.

1 comment:

  1. All lovely. But if it was me and I had to vote for one, I'd go with the bunny. With that low wintry sun in the background, it sure does say "A Winter's Tale."
