Monday 28 September 2009

When we first opened the original idea had been for the gallery to be a "vehicle for my 
own photography",
it was Irene's vision and though I am sure she had many occasion to regret it, I will be forever in her debt for having the belief and conviction in my own work.
In many respects we have long outgrown my own photography but every now and then I like to show one of my new pictures that in some way moves me, and which I hope may "touch"
other people.
Recently for the first time I visited 'Hadrian's Wall', which has been an ambition since childhood.
I didn't know what to expect but I was surprised by "the lack of it".
I travelled from one section to another, following a map, at each sight I expected to find the 'WALL' of my dreams.
It almost didn't happen until I chanced upon one small section at 'Wall Town Crag', and although there was very little wall I did come upon the base of a 'Watch Tower'.
Here the only guard in evidence was a solitary sheep.
It was exactly what I was looking for, it had all the atmosphere of isolation and magnificence that I was searching for.
So here is my Hadrian Wall photograph, titled 'The Guardian'.
I have included the different"shots" used to create the picture plus different versions created.
I wanted the finished picture to look 'Biblical', I will never be happy with the result so I will leave others to judge. 

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