Saturday, 19 September 2009

Saturday can be a strange day of the week, although being the day when most people have a little
more time to browse and chat about different works it can also be the day when they try to cram a weeks worth of leisure into one day, so I'm never sure what to expect.
Today was a busy day as a lot of people had heard or read about "Birds & Bees" and it was the first opportunity that they have had to come and look, this meant that I was able to indulge in my favourite pastime "speak about the work and the artists". I'm sure that once started I could "talk for England", at times I just can't help myself.
Everything on display is here because in one way or another I am moved by it, and when people
enquire about a piece or an artist that I really like I have trouble containing myself. It's not that I'm trying to sell that particular work [although that wouldn't be a bad idea] it's just that I want people to love and be moved by something in the way that I have been.
I appreciate that I have been fortunate to meet and get to know lots of different artists and have the privilege to visit their homes and see their studio or work shop, I have visited their landscape and seen what moves and motivates them and I want to share that with the visitors in the gallery. I have always loved telling stories and I really enjoy bringing the work of artists
alive with a description of their lives and the world they live in, I have become aware that this adds value to anything that they may purchase which I understand, as art is a very personal thing and it is nice to know something of its creator.
Today has been one such day, I have lost count of the number of times I have recounted the background of Mark Rowney "growing up the son of a cowboy, in County Durham". When I get time I will tell you all, to say he is a "bit of a character" would be an understatement.
Aside from him I have been telling people how Lindsey Carr has an American exhibition as a result of 'The Fox Confessor' painting we have here,
described how Iris Milward makes her incredible tiles, and as usual answered questions about the animal sculptures of Karen Fawcett, whose work seems to fascinate everyone, myself included.
I even found time to take a sale now and then.

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