Thursday 17 September 2009

At this event we were extremely lucky to have artist who made great efforts to be here for the opening. Louise Richardson came down from Norfolk, Mark Rowney with his entire family from
County Durham and Lindsey Carr who "flew" in from Scotland.
Of course not forgetting Gaynor and Paul of Ostinelli & Priest who arrived minutes before the opening to 'save the day' with their beautiful sculptures [more of them later].
It was lovely to see them all and to get to spend a little time with them.
Lindsey I was meeting for the first time which seemed so strange as we had spoken and gotten to know one another over a period via the magic of email. We didn't need to introduce ourselves but
just carried on our conversations but this time without a keyboard. Her painting on wood called 'Spoils of War' was one of mine and a lot of other peoples favourites, though having said that there were a few that I would love to own.
The piece by Mark that seemed to fascinate people was the incredible leather carving
titled 'Hedge', the sheer size and amount of detailing is incredible, even today looking at it I am finding more tiny creatures that I have missed before.

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