Monday, 24 October 2016

Here at last is a small selection of sculptures that form the other half of our current exhibition.
They are by the artist Evelyne Galinski.

A year ago Evelyne contacted me asking would I be interested in seeing some of her sculptures?
She was traveling from France to deliver work to one of her many UK customers and she offered to call at the gallery before returning home.
After seeing a couple of images of her work I could never say no.
This sculpture was so good it was an opportunity not to be missed.
So, a couple of weeks later she arrived here at my doorstep.

She is one of those artists whose work has to be seen to be fully appreciated.
It is very complex yet at the same time very gentle and beguiling, there are stories to be told about Each unique piece of sculpture.
I am sure that my own interpretations of her work will differ from her own
But that is not important it is the emotion captured in her art that is so moving and personal,
That is important

I was really intrigued in the way her work was created
So on her visit here she showed me many pictures of the work in progress.
One image has been fixed on my mind ever since, it was a white hot sculpture with rain cascading upon it.
Well that is what I thought.
However, it was not rain but sawdust scattered in the air
Where the random flakes hit the hot surface of the ceramic it ignited and changed the surface.
I really wanted to have these images to show you as they were so dramatic,
Unfortunately for me Evelyne is in the progress of producing a book where the photographs will be Shown for the first time so I had to suffice with just a few close up shots of her working.

Her sculptures are sized from those just a few inches tall to others of a giant proportions.
Whatever the size the attention to detail is superb, they can only really be appreciated in the flesh.
There are details and shapes in area's that would not easily be seen
Unless the sculpture is rotated and viewed from every angle, unfortunately although
I am sure that can be done, I am unable to do that for you.

Hey! What do you expect I'm an aging man?

What I would really like to show you is just the raw emotion in each sculpture.
This is very hard to capture in a photograph but I have tried.

I can only say that my life is richer for having this work here with me for a short time.
It is all so dramatic and moving I just know that in the future
I will look back and feel amazed that I ever had this art here on display in "MY" gallery.
Perhaps I should keep one piece a prisoner to enjoy forever.

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Under Pressure

I'm getting very behind.
We are having a few "back to back" exhibitions and everything is starting to blur a little.
Of course the art is totally different each time but the magazines and printers
work on a different deadline to me.
It seems that as soon as we have held the opening of one exhibition I am being chased for images
of our next exhibition, or I remember that I only have a few days to design
the invitation for the next show, which in my mind seems so far away as I am still so involved
with the current exhibition.

In reality it should not be too much of a problem, but on occasions the artist for a forthcoming
exhibition doesn't understand how far in advance I need information and pictures.
But, of course there are exceptions.
Rob Van Hoek
Is an artist that is one of those exceptions.
In fact he was "so far ahead of the game" I found myself trying to keep up with him. 

Although he is from Holland he is very collected here in the UK and America
Over two months ago he sent me small images of his new paintings so that I could have first choice
of his paintings for his exhibition with us.
My first thought was "this is going to make it easy for me".
But no!
Because I had lots of time I dithered about "umming and ahrring"
Should I go for this one or that one?
Meanwhile his collectors were buying.
Once I understood this I became more focused and made quick decisions.

Immediately Rob sent me "Hi Resolution" pictures in case I needed them.
This gives a small insight into how professional he is.

We have been showing Robert's art for a couple of years but this was to be his first exhibition with us.
I could not be happier.
The photographs just do not do justice to the paintings that arrived,
They are beautiful yet also different to the kind of art that I would normally want to show.
I can't put my finger on the difference but in a way I find them very sculptural.

This perhaps is because after finishing painting he then scratches though the paint to reveal the canvas.
In fact the details are actually the canvas revealed beneath the layers of paint.
The finished artwork has texture plus an almost a 3D affect.
Coupled with the simple innocence of the landscapes his technique is refreshing,
Very contemporary and beautiful.

The Titles!
I confess that in the past I have read the title of his paintings but then have struggled sometimes to make the painting fit the title.
Some are obvious others not so.
Then I learned that Rob plays music while he is painting, and it is the mood and atmosphere of the music that can decide the title of the painting.
It may be the title or just a few lyrics that then become the name of the painting.

I'm sure that we can all relate to that.
The way that music can make us happy or sad or can transport us to another time
memory or place.


I don't really need the titles
His paintings move me and my emotions.

This coupled with his professional manner has made this an [almost] easy approach to an exhibition.
Except that it put me in front for a couple of days so I decided to paint the gallery.
Big Mistake.
I am now behind as ever.
Also, Rob will be exhibiting alongside the sculptor
Evelyne Galinski
Whose work will arrive from France on Friday night, one day before the opening.
So it seems like it will be pressure as usual up to the wire.
I couldn't work any other way.

"Under Pressure"
Now isn't that a title of a song?