Tuesday, 14 June 2016

I have lost count of the number of different artworks and events that I have intended to write about.
Something new would happen and I would decide "I must write about this"
Then I would remember "But, I haven't written about that yet".
So another day will pass with the promise to myself that I must write about something,
Anything, even if it is about the weather.
Or just the prospect of the UK leaving Europe.
Now, that I could write about for hours, it wouldn't make me popular
But I would certainly have a lot to say.
"A train crash waiting to happen"?

Apart from the politics that we are all immersed in at the moment there have been many
things that have been of interest to me that I would have liked to have shared
But it all gets buried under the mountain of daily office work.

However, here at last is a little post.

I have recently thought that I should post about new art that would be arriving here soon.
Then decided "No wait until it is here, I might be tempting fate" especially as it takes a few months
from "shaking hands" to becoming a reality.
But, now at last I can show some eagerly anticipated paintings because they are actually here
In the gallery and on display, they are by the artist
Jean-Francois Segura

His name is so beautiful perhaps you don't need to see the paintings
No, on reflection I think you do.
They really are different, beautiful but different.

After they had been delivered by our English/French "Transporter" [that's what they call him].
I left it for about three hours before I unwrapped them.
I could only do it once and I really wanted to savour the moment.
It had been a long wait as they hadn't been created when I first approached the artist.

They were everything that I had hoped for and more.
I love it when paintings have a narrative, you can make up your own story to go with the painting.
With the paintings by Jean-Francois I could imagine many different stories.
I loved the fact that when the image was "cropped" it told and gave the impression of a totally
different scene.
So this is what I have done for you, I have tried to give you an understanding of how they appeared to me.

I suppose for me it was a little like watching a movie when suddenly the camera pans out
and the whole scene is revealed for the first time.
It changes your thoughts and perspective about what you expected.
I am sure that Tom Cruise understands what I am saying.
Bloody pity he doesn't read the Blog, I'm sure we could be best mates.

I suppose that really I have nothing left to say on the subject of these paintings,
I will leave it to you to make your own interpretation of them

All I will say is that I am so very happy and proud to have them on display here in my shop.

Sometimes the waiting is all worth while.
I have waited for months to show you these paintings, now I have.
Unfortunately, they will never be mine but I will enjoy every day that they are hanging on my walls.
Not for long I think.

Au revoir pour maintenant mes amis blogueur